Oracular Music Production

A six week course for women

In this six week course, you are held in a sacred and safe container for you to reclaim and occupy your feminine body so that your original blue print melodies have the space to flow through. Together we deep dive into your body temple through sacred ceremonial arts and rituals so that you can be fully embodied to birth the songs of your soul.


During this course you will:

  • Reconnect with & reclaim the space of your womb

  • Learn the basics of Ableton & how to begin the recording & production process from a feminine perspective

  • Tend the altar of your sonic sounds

  • Receive an Intuitive Light Transmission session with Leanne & learn how to facilitate your own

  • Connect back to your feminine body and move in union with your intuition and inner knowing

  • Partake in a Vocal Activation from a galactic guest speaker

  • Receive Light Language vocal activations TO open your vocal channel

  • Feel confident and empowered on your path and in your life to speak and sing your truth

  • Understand the process of completing your music


Week 1 - Occupying the Vessel & Tending the Altar

Week 2 - Introduction to Feminine Production

Week 3 - Vocal Activation w/ Guest Speaker

Week 4 - Song Weaving with the Muse

Week 5 - Recording Ritual + Sound Design

Week 6 - Ableton Deep Dive

*This is a beginner course + will continue with Level 2 + 3 for those who want to continue on the production journey

*We meet once a week for six weeks on Zoom. The calls will be 75-90 minutes long and will range from deep somatic ceremonies, embodied practices, to Ableton lessons.

*We begin in the Spring Equinox portal

1:1 with Ayaharmony

I began my music production journey with putting my creations into the hands of someone else, trusting they could do it better than me. Now, while I did create some dope music in that way with a ghost producer, it never fully felt quite right. I realized that NO ONE WAS COMING TO SAVE ME here and that in order to fully create what my soul was yearning for I had to take the production reigns into my own hands.

Once I did that WOW did my music change! It finally felt like ME for the first time! Music from my soul star origin started flowing through and I birthed a whole new essence of my being through.

Now my mission is to help you do this too. And don’t get me wrong.. I WILL NOT DO IT FOR YOU but will teach you how to create the sounds of your soul and birth them into this 3D realm utilizing the sacred technology of Ableton.

In this course there will be an option to add on two different types of 1:1 sessions with me.

  1. Intuitive Light Transmission Session - In this session, I will work with light language and sound frequencies to bring the light back into the areas of your body that are unoccupied so that you can bring your sounds through in a fully embodied way.

  2. Ableton Session - In this session I will work with you on your specific song or on a specific topic in Ableton to help you better understand the DAW and how to produce in a feminine way.

When I first started it took me about six weeks from start to finish with one song. Now I can produce a song in a day, and feel really good about it. So babe, what I’m saying is your music is SO CLOSE and I would be honored to be your sound doula to assist in this birth.

Tiers & Investment

  • Simple Babe : Access to the course materials, live calls, and all recordings + group chat $350

  • Extra Babe: Access to the course materials, live calls, and all recordings + group chat + a 1:1 Intuitive Light Transmission $450

  • VIP Babe: Access to the course materials, live calls, and all recordings + group chat + a 1:1 Intuitive Light Transmission + 1 Ableton Session $500

  • All Access Babe: Access to the course materials, live calls, and all recordings + group chat + a 1:1 Intuitive Light Transmission + WEEKLY Ableton Session + Private text thread for feedback in between sessions $690

What you will need to get started:

  1. DAW (Digital Audio Workspace: Ableton Live 11 or greater ($99 + up)

  2. Recording Microphone + Mic Stand ($149 + up)

  3. Audio Interface ($115 + up)

  4. Studio Monitors ($199 + up)

  5. Headphones ($49 + up)

  6. Cables etc. to connect it all

  7. Extras: Midi controllers / plug ins / etc.

    *As you can see there is a slight investment in starting your home studio. I can recommend a more detailed list for those ready to take the leap and go for it.