The Goddess

Every women on this planet has a Goddess inside of her awaiting to be awakened. Tapping into the innate wisdom of our wombs is our birthright and we have forgotten that we have this tremendous power inside of our bodies waiting to be opened and devoured by our Divine grace, love and attention. How can we live even one more moment separate from this knowledge? Let me tell you, we cannot. This is what humanity is unknowingly craving for, the Goddess to come back from the mythic ages and be present here with us in this reality.

The Goddess heals the Earth, replenishes the rivers, lakes, streams and sends down cosmic rain from the Celestial Heavens that vitalize and energize our planet. Her sacred Amrita is waiting to be let loose onto this entire human consciousness so that they too can remember and feel this Divinity within themselves. 

Tune into the golden stream of light pouring forth from the juices of the sacred Divine Feminine, allow yourself to open to the magic of the Creator and be penetrated by the sweetness of the Holy Spirit. Allow yourself to receive this channel of nectar that has been still, stagnant, and sleeping for so long as humanity has gone in the total opposite direction of this force to chase the American dream. We have arrived on the planet at this crucial time, and we will not stop until the Goddess is reawakened in every single sacred living being.

We must forgive ourselves from turning our back on this part of ourselves, for we once knew Her so deeply ingrained into every cell in our being where She still remains in our cellular memory. 

We know that we desire to feel this connection with our bodies, with Spirit, yet we fear the Truth of who we are because at one point in time we were shamed, beaten, and even killed for being in our power. 

Let us not blame our brothers for they did not know, they did not understand that by allowing the Goddess to reign free, they too would benefit and bathe in the sweet juicy nectar of this pure Love. 

Let us awaken together, unite as sisters, and reclaim our Divinity right here and right now as there is truly no more time to waste and this medicine of the Goddess is desperately needed to save our beloved Earth Mother and all who inhabit here. Begin by connecting with your own body, your temple, and as slow as you possibly could even imagine, re-connect and embrace each cell in your being, move your hips, hold your womb, reminding yourself that each and every single part of you is Divine, beautiful, and so loved. By repeating this daily you will start to form a new neural pathway to this remembrance and begin to radiate this shift into all that you do. 

An awakened women who is shining so bright has the ability to spark the light inside other women, and together we rise. 


Awaken the Priestess Within


Align With Your Sacred Moontime: A Workshop